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New Britain CT: Ch.7 & Ch. 13 Bankruptcy Lawyer

Are you struggling to make the minimum payment on a credit card? Are you considering taking out a second mortgage on a home or condo? Is your home or cell phone constantly ringing with threatening calls from collection agencies? If you or someone you know in the New Britain area is struggling under the weight of mounting financial debts stop wishing for a golden lottery ticket and contact experienced bankruptcy attorney Chris Carrozzella today. Forget clever schemes and imaginative money making solutions, the worst thing anyone can do when they are in debt is to ignore the problem and continue making bad decisions that will only compound the problem.

Famous Bankruptcies

If you feel alone and hopeless with staggering debt hanging over your head try this: Google “famous bankruptcies”. You’ll be amazed at the laundry list of famous and successful people throughout history who at one point had to bite the bullet and admit that their debt was far beyond their earnings. Rather than sink further into self-pity and despair these proud individuals took the proactive step of filing for bankruptcy to put an end to the spiraling interest rates and debt obligations that were ruining their lives. Admitting you have spent more than you make is a terrible feeling but it is the first step towards recovery.

Ch. 7 and Ch. 13 Bankruptcy Filings

Ch. 7 and Ch. 13 bankruptcy filings are not death sentences or admissions of criminal guilt. Bankruptcy laws exist to help people get out of debt, not punish them. Too often people let pride and denial dictate their financial decisions and rather than standing up and taking control they choose to let the specter of debt consume their lives. Then the home faces foreclosure, the car is repossessed and credit card companies and rating agencies put a big red asterisk next to your name. If fear or shame is hindering you from successfully managing your debt consider a consultation with experienced Connecticut bankruptcy attorney Chris Carrozzella. With expert insight into both Ch. 7 and Ch. 13 bankruptcy laws, a caring hands-on approach that treats each client with confidential respect and the ability to take complex legal jargon and explain it in clear terms professional bankruptcy attorney Chris Carrozzella is just the man you want in your corner when facing credit collectors and foreclosure notices.


*Free Initial Consultation*
Evening & Weekend Appointments Available

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